Cake Batter Milkshake View Demo Prep Time5 Minutes1 Cooking Time5 Minutes01 Servings1 Serving01 INGREDIENTS 1 Cup Unsweetened Cashew Milk ½ Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk 1 ½ Cup Frozen Banana 1/3 Cup Raw Quick Cooking Oats 1 ½ Tbsp Almond Butter 1 Tbsp Marina Virgin Coconut Oil 2 Tbsp Vegan Vanilla Protein Powder (Optional) + Large Pinch of Sea Salt + Dash of Cinnamon RECIPE INSTRUCTIONS Add all the ingredients in listed order to a high-speed blender.Start the blender at a slow speed and slowly increase speed to max.Blend at max speed for 30-45 seconds.Pour into a tall glass or to-go cup with lid. Enjoy! TwitterFacebookPinterestLinkedin